ICAP for Women in Leadership
“What does it take to be that believable spokesperson? What does it take to bring in profits and have happy staff and customers? What does it take to feel you are on the right track?”Miti Ampoma

Who this course is for
Why does it so often take more for women to achieve the same as men? Why do so many of us have to work longer and harder before our skills are recognised and valued? What will it take before we finally get to enjoy true equality?
Our ICAP Women in Leadership (WiL) is for women who want to transform their communication and leadership skills. While it won’t answer all the questions we posed above, it will help you grow in confidence and progress in your career.
The programme is suitable for both individuals and teams of women who share the same challenges and concerns.
You may need to lead your business through a period of reorganisation with no loss of performance and want to make sure you’re up to the job.
Perhaps your whole business culture is one of chaos and confusion and you need to win hearts and minds as you effect change.
Perhaps your business is not performing as well as it should and you need to improve your skills before you can drive up performance and profits.
Or maybe you feel your career is stalling and you want to make sure you have the skills and confidence you need to take it to the next level.
Whichever, ICAP WiL will help you develop the skills you need to connect with people. To be both heard and remembered. To communicate and lead with confidence, impact and presence. And with heart.
ICAP WiL is not for the faint-hearted. To succeed, you need to commit to the full course and have a willingness to work hard.
To benefit from ICAP WiL you should either be a native English speaker or have English language skills at Upper Intermediate level or above*. If you need to improve your English skills before you take part, we run bespoke English Immersion courses.
*Language skills defined by The Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR)
What to expect
ICAP WiL is a residential course made up of three modules, each lasting a full week. We break for eight weeks in between each module so you have a chance to reflect on your learning and put your new skills into practice.
Throughout the course we’ll challenge your assumptions, explore your personal values and ask you to consider your own learning, experience and ability.
Although it’s largely based on our ICAP for Leaders programme, throughout this course we look in detail at how everything we cover impacts on women.
Module one looks at what it means to be an Innovative Communicator. It explores the impact the current global landscape has on women in business. And it examines the effects of different relationships and communication styles on women in leadership roles.
Module two looks at the challenges women face at work and begins to develop the skills you need to lead with influence and integrity.
Module three shows you how innovative communication creates commercial gain.
Once you’ve completed the programme you’ll be an Innovative Communicator, with all the advantages this brings.
You’ll be able to push your own boundaries.
You’ll be able to communicate in a way that develops meaningful relationships, challenges inequality and builds a loyal team.
You’ll be able to plan and deliver powerful communication strategies, drive performance and create sustainable financial growth.
And you’ll be at the heart of a movement that is putting humanity, integrity and soul back into business.
We plan each course around the needs of the participants and our pricing reflects this. Therefore please get in touch for more information about the cost and dates of your course.