Resources – English is not my first language
English Language Courses

English Immersion slide deck
Find out how we can help you communicate effectively in real world situations and speak clear, relevant English with confidence, impact and presence.
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English for Business slide deck
Find out how we can help you develop your business English and create a rich vocabulary of words and phrases relevant to your industry.
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Exam Preparation and Company Assessments slide deck
Find out how we can help you pass an English exam or company assessment in order to secure a promotion or advance your education.
Download pdf >>Guides

Take It Offline, our guide on how to break your online habit (and why you should)
We explore how, despite all its advantages, technology is harming us. We also offer some practical advice on how you can break your own online habit and live in a healthier, more rewarding and humane world.
Download pdf >>Introductory Workshops

Innovative Communicator Accelerator Programme (ICAP) Overview slide deck
An introduction to our short presentation. We show you the lasting benefits of putting people back at the heart of your business and why an investment in innovative communication skills makes perfect sense.
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ICAP Two-Hour Workshop slide deck
An introduction to our short workshop where we explain how ICAP can help you improve your communication and leadership skills.
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ICAP Half-Day Workshop slide deck
An introduction to our longer workshop. We look in more detail at how ICAP can help you transform your communication and leadership skills and give you a taste of ICAP in practice.
Download pdf >>Master Programmes

ICAP for Leaders slide deck
An introduction to our flagship ICAP for Leaders. Find out who the programme is for, how you’ll benefit and what to expect.
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ICAP for Women in Leadership slide deck
An introduction to our ICAP specifically for women in leadership roles. Find out why this targeted programme is necessary, how you’ll benefit and what to expect.
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ICAP for Asia slide deck
An introduction to our ICAP for business leaders and managers from Asia. Find out what to expect and how ICAP can help you grow your business on an international stage.
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ICAP for Managers slide deck
An introduction to our ICAP for Managers. Find out how we help you negotiate the sometimes conflicting role you have and take your career to the next level.
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ICAP for Next-Generation Leaders slide deck
An introduction to our ICAP for Next-Generation Leaders. Find out how we help ambitious young people who are hungry to change how business is run across the globe.
Download pdf >>Who we are

Introduction to Miticom Video
We’re on a mission to put people back where they belong – at the heart of businesses. Watch our short video to find out how and the difference Innovative Communication will make. To both you, and your organisation.
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Miticom Brochure
Our brochure explains what we do and why we do it. It describes the courses, programmes and events we offer. And it shows how we can help you develop the advanced communication and leadership skills you need to create and maintain a financially and ethically successful business in our complex and fast-changing world.
Download pdf >>Why you need to be an Innovative Communicator

Leading by Example download
Our free guide where we explain why English language skills alone are not enough. Find out how you’ll enjoy a clear advantage when you can combine an ability to speak in English with innovative communication skills and cultural understanding.
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